Benefits of Visual Gymnastics
What kind of exercise in the morning is good for your eyes?
General rules for training eye muscles
Principles of reasonable eye protection
- All exercises are performed in a comfortable position. Keep your back straight and your neck and shoulders as relaxed as possible.
- During exercises where your eyes move in a specific direction, fixate the end point of each movement for a few seconds. Can be executed in different orders and an unlimited number of times.
- It is recommended to choose a few exercises and repeat them throughout the work day. This mini muscle workout is especially necessary for anyone who works in front of a computer.
- The complex should include cervical gymnastics - tilting the head forward, left, right and circular rotation.
- Don't make sudden movements of your eyelids and eye muscles during exercise.
- Performed by removing lenses or glasses.
- Perform simple exercises in a relaxed, blinking manner between complex exercises.
Adult visual gymnastics
- Tightening the eye muscles, we close them. We count to 5, open up, and relax the muscles. We stare into the distance for 5 seconds. Repeat 5 times.
- Keep your back straight and your head straight for 10-15 seconds. We blink slowly.
- We move our gaze diagonally quickly: first to the upper right - then to the lower left, for 6 seconds. We looked into the distance. Then we do the exercise in the opposite direction.
- Keep your head upright without turning, look to the left, and stare for 5 seconds. Then we stare into the distance and stare. Next, we do gymnastics, fixing our eyes on the right side, up and down. Repeat 2 times.
- We close our eyes for 5 seconds without tensing our muscles, then open our eyes wide and stare into the distance for 5 seconds. We did it 3 times.
- Keeping your back straight and your head straight, move your pupils in slow, circular motions in different directions: first clockwise, then backwards. Then we looked into the distance.
- First we look at the tip of the nose, then look into the distance. Repeat 7 times.
- Keep your head straight and look into your eyes. On the count of 4, we move our gaze to the right and focus on it. On another count of 4, we look to the left and return to the starting position. We continue according to the pattern of "straight up" and "straight down". Then we practice in the same way, moving our eyes diagonally.
- We sit and do this exercise: close your eyes, turn your head a few times around the clock, and then turn it against the clock. We close our eyes and rest for a few minutes.
- Rub palms together until lukewarm, then apply and press gently onto eyes. Massage eyes in gentle circular motions for 5 seconds.
- Similar exercise, but you don't need to press your palms against your closed eyes. Just apply it and imagine how the warmth radiates from your palms.
- After assuming a comfortable position, we close our eyes, relax and start reminiscing, which should be pleasant.
- We often blink for a few seconds.
Children's vision training methods
Eyes need rest
Author's Techniques for Improving Vision
Visual training using the author's method
Exercise 1. Curtains
Exercise 2. Look out the window
Exercise 3. Big eyes
Exercise 4. Massage
Exercise 5. Hydromassage
Exercise 6. Drawing
Original eye gymnastics - pirate glasses
What is a palm, and how does it differ for people with nearsightedness and farsightedness?
- Rub your palms together thoroughly. Not only will your hands get warmer, they will also gain necessary energy;
- Fold your palms into a boat, as if you were trying to draw water into it. Place them over your eyes so they are centered in the void, with your palms on your cheekbones, your fingers on your forehead, and your little finger on the bridge of your nose. Place your elbows on a table or press them against your chest; your elbows should not hang. Don't leave any gaps under your fingers. This is important. Don't hold your nose; it should breathe freely. eyes closed;
- Think or talk about your eyes in a positive way: My eyes are great and my vision is improving every day;
- Although also related to self-hypnosis, the following actions will differ for people with nearsightedness and farsightedness:
People with myopia should imagine their eyes becoming as round as a ball, which will help relax the transverse muscles and improve distance vision. Visionaries imagine their little eyes elongating like cucumbers. This relaxes the longitudinal muscles and helps you see even small objects, such as small letters, beads. - A good memory should be calm and very positive. It could be a river or seaside, a warm bed, delicious food – anything that brings a pleasant feeling;
- Exit the palm. To do this, you need to close your eyes directly under the palm of your hand. Then blink. Remove your palms, blink, shake your head, take a deep breath.
Eye prevention complex
- relaxation.Close your eyelids tightly and try to relax. In order to carry out this exercise, it is worth remembering some pleasant moments in life.
- circular motion.Open your eyes and move in a circular motion: first clockwise, then counterclockwise.
- linear motion.Focus on moving your eyes horizontally (left to right) and vertically (up and down).
- Flashing.Squeeze firmly and release the eyelids.
- diagonal.Turn your eyes to the lower left corner, focusing your eyes on that point as you would your left shoulder. After blinking three times, repeat to the right.
- Mirror the diagonal.Similar to the previous exercise, squint your eyes to the upper left corner and then to the right.
- Dark relaxation.Place your warm palms on your closed eyelids and interlock your fingers on your forehead. Relax and try to achieve a deep black color.
- Flashing.Blink gently and rapidly at least a hundred times.
- Squint.Place the pupils close to the nose. To do this exercise, place the tip of your index finger on the bridge of your nose and look at it - then they will "connect" easily.
- Work near and far, or at a distance.Walk up to the window and carefully observe the details nearby. It could be a leaf from a tree growing outside your window, or it could be a small dot of paper glued to the glass at eye level. Then draw an imaginary straight line at the selected point, extending into the distance, and cast your gaze into the distance, trying to see the farthest object.